Regain Control of Your Life with Gastric Bypass Surgery
Carrying around excess weight can take a toll on your body and your overall health. Struggles with obesity can quickly spiral into other health concerns such as diabetes or heart disease, creating a snowball effect that diminishes your quality of life and puts your health in severe danger. Bariatric procedures, like gastric bypass surgery, sleeve gastrectomy, and duodenal switch surgery can help if you’ve been struggling to lose weight and need an effective and long-lasting solution in order to save your health.
Regain Control of Your Life With Bariatric Surgery
Garden State Bariatrics can help you regain control of your health and improve your life with gastric bypass surgery at one of our three NJ locations in Millburn and Toms River. Invest in your future and take the first step toward a happier, healthier life by calling us today to set up a consultation appointment.
What Is Gastric Bypass Surgery?
Benefits of Gastric Bypass Surgery
Preparing for Gastric Bypass Surgery
How Gastric Bypass Surgery is Performed
What Results Can Be Achieved with Gastric Bypass?
Gastric Bypass Recovery & Follow Up
Potential Risks or Concerns of the Procedure
Why Choose Us For Weight Loss Surgery?
Remember, positive change begins with you. Let us help you reclaim your life today!
What Is Gastric Bypass Surgery?
Gastric bypass surgery, also referred to as roux-en Y gastric bypass, is considered to be one of the traditional bariatric surgery procedures. In fact, gastric bypass surgery is endorsed by the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery (ASMBS) and is used to help individuals with obesity lose weight
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This laparoscopic surgery usually takes between 90 minutes and two hours to complete and requires an overnight hospital stay.
The procedure uses two key components to achieve weight loss results. The first is restrictive, which means fewer calories because your capacity to intake food is decreased. The gastric bypass procedure achieves this by reducing the size of the stomach pouch, or part of the stomach that receives food, from 32 ounces to two ounces—a small pouch roughly the
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Gastric Bypass Surgery
UCLA Health
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size of an egg.
The second component is malabsorptive, preventing the absorption of calories and nutrients. To achieve this component, the doctor reroutes the small intestine to the new, smaller stomach, bypassing a portion of the digestive system.
Benefits of Gastric Bypass Surgery
Gastric bypass surgery produces fast results and helps individuals with a body mass index (BMI) of 40 or higher or a BMI of 35 or higher in addition to serious weight-related health problems such as type 2 diabetes, achieve their
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Risks of Gastric Bypass Surgery: Anastomotic Leaking
Johns Hopkins Medicine
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weight loss goals.
Thousands of people undergo this procedure every year, and many see a high rate of success. Your doctor can tell you more about the benefits you will see following the surgery. However, some of the most common positive results include:

Rapid Weight Loss: Because gastric bypass reduces the size of the stomach and shortens the digestive tract, it works in two ways to support weight loss. The smaller stomach reduces the amount of food you can eat and suppresses your appetite, while the shorter digestive tract limits calorie and nutrient absorption. This produces rapid weight loss, helping you reach your goals faster.
Fewer Health Issues: The surgery can also help you improve or reverse some of the health issues you developed due to being overweight. You will likely see improvements in your symptoms of sleep apnea, high blood pressure, PCOS, or GERD/severe heartburn. In addition, gastric bypass has also been linked to reversing one of the causes of Type II diabetes.
Long Term Success: Gastric bypass surgery can help you achieve long term success in your weight loss goals, as many individuals see success for many years following the procedure. You can feel confident that with the help of this surgery and determination on your part, you can achieve a healthier life.
Preparing for Gastric Bypass Surgery
Your journey towards better health begins with a consultation at Garden State Bariatrics. During this meeting, you will meet with members of our team and have the opportunity to discuss your weight loss struggles and goals. An examination will be performed and we will review your medical history to determine if weight loss surgery is the right option for you. If you are a candidate for gastric bypass, we will set you up for success by making sure you understand the details of your procedure, discussing your pre-surgical diet, and going over next steps.
How Gastric Bypass Surgery is Performed
Gastric bypass is performed as a laparoscopic procedure while the patient is under general anesthesia.
Gastric bypass surgery involves two main steps. First, a smaller stomach pouch is created to limit the amount of food you can eat. Then, a Y-shaped section of the small intestine is attached to this pouch, bypassing a part of the intestine where most digestion and calorie absorption occurs. This helps you feel full with less food and reduces calorie absorption, aiding in weight loss. After the surgery, you’ll need to take vitamins and follow a specific diet to ensure you’re getting the nutrients you need.
What Results Can Be Achieved with Gastric Bypass?
If you’re considering bariatric surgery, you are likely wondering about the results you can expect to see following your procedure. Gastric bypass surgery doesn’t have an extensive physical recovery time, and can produce significant results in a short amount of time, especially when compared to the time required to lose weight through diet and exercise alone. Many patients who undergo gastric bypass experience a high rate of success.
Gastric bypass surgery helps patients lose significant weight and also helps them improve overall health. Many patients who have gastric bypass are able to reduce or eliminate medications for weight-related health conditions such as type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure. Your doctor will be able to tell you more specific information about the results you can expect to achieve with gastric bypass.
Following surgery, it’s essential that you follow all postoperative instructions to ensure a speedy and healthy recovery. Your doctor will be able to go over all the necessary steps you need to take to remain healthy and ensure the procedure is a success. Immediately following your procedure, you’ll remain in the hospital for one or two days, under the care of medical staff. When you’re able to go home, it’s vital that you keep the advice of your doctor in mind and make sure you attend all follow-up appointments. Be sure to keep the following in mind as you return home:
Allow Yourself Time to Adjust: Be sure to take the time you need to adjust to your new lifestyle. Have patience with yourself, as it will take time to figure out how your new routine of healthy eating and exercise fits within your life.
No Heavy Lifting: You should not lift anything more than 15 pounds following your procedure. This requirement continues for two weeks, as straining to lift heavy objects could cause complications.
Returning to Work: We’ll work with you to determine when it is safe for you to return to work. Most people will be able to return to work in about one to three weeks following surgery, but it will depend on the type of work you do.
Expect Long-term Bariatric Care: It’s important to understand that you’ll have continued support from your bariatric team for the rest of your life. From vitamin and mineral supplement recommendations to ensure adequate levels of
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Gastric bypass (Roux-en-Y)
Mayo Clinic
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vitamin B-12, calcium, folate, and iron,
to nutritional consultation with dietitians, as well as lifestyle support to help you navigate life after bariatric surgery to maintain long term weight loss.
As with any surgical procedure, there are risks involved with undergoing gastric bypass surgery such as anesthesia risks, risk of infection, internal bleeding, blood clots, ‘leaks’ and strictures Johns Hopkins Medicine. Risks of Gastric Bypass Surgery: Anastomotic Leaking. Available: https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/treatment-tests-and-therapies/risks-of-gastric-bypass-surgery-anastomotic-leaking. Accessed August 16, 2021.(the narrowing of connection between stomach and intestine)[/tooltip] however, bariatric surgeries in general have a complication rate that is lower than other commonplace surgeries such as hip replacement, hysterectomy, or
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Bariatric Surgery Procedures
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gallbladder removal.
Before your procedure, it’s important to understand these risks, which is why our doctors will take the time to discuss them and answer any questions you may have. Be sure to consider these risks as well as the benefits of the surgery, as this is an essential step in determining if gastric bypass is the right choice for you. Your doctor will help you through this process. Some of the most common risks or concerns you’ll want to consider include:
Nutritional Deficiencies: Because the digestive tract is much shorter following the surgery, your body will have less opportunity to absorb important vitamins and minerals from food. This can put you at risk for nutritional deficiencies if you don’t properly manage your diet with your doctor.
Dumping Syndrome: Dumping syndrome is an unpleasant side effect that can occur after gastric bypass. Though it is not medically dangerous, it can produce troubling symptoms like cramping, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. The symptoms are usually a result of eating sugary foods or drinks and often resolve on their own in one to three hours.
Increased Risk of Ulcers and/or Hernia: Following gastric bypass, there is an increased risk of developing stomach ulcers and incisional
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Although rare, this is especially true for smokers or those taking aspirin or anti-inflammatory drugs.
Not Easily Reversed Gastric bypass surgery is considered a permanent solution. It is technically possible to reverse but this is challenging and difficult to do. It is important to consider this before deciding to undergo the procedure.

Gastric Bypass FAQs
Is gastric bypass covered by insurance?
Weight loss surgery is considered medically necessary for many patients, which means that the procedure generally is covered by insurance. One of the many benefits of trusting Garden State Bariatrics & Wellness Center with your weight loss surgery is that we are experts at working with insurance companies. We’ll help you find out if you’ll incur any out-of-pocket costs, and if so, we’ll help you explore self-pay and financing options.
How much does gastric bypass surgery cost?
We offer competitive pricing for gastric bypass and all bariatric surgery procedures, because we believe that every patient has the right to a healthier, happier life. When you meet with us, a member of our team will go over out-of-pocket costs related to your plan, such as deductibles and co-pays, and we’ll help you figure out your best payment options.
How much weight will I lose after gastric bypass?
Every patient’s weight loss journey is unique, but gastric bypass surgery is a highly effective way to lose a significant amount of weight quickly. One year after gastric bypass surgery, the average patient loses roughly 100 pounds, which may be up to two-thirds of their excess weight. Weight loss will continue more slowly during the
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Gastric Bypass Surgery
Columbia Surgery
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second year post-surgery.
Is gastric bypass surgery reversible?
Gastric bypass surgery is usually considered permanent and irreversible due to the changes made to the digestive tract.
Will I need to take supplements after gastric bypass?
Yes. Following the procedure, you’ll be able to take in and absorb less food. You will need to take vitamins and supplements and have blood tests yearly to check your vitamin levels to ensure you’re getting proper nutrition.
Why Choose Us For Weight Loss Surgery?
Garden State Bariatrics is the team to choose to perform your gastric bypass surgery. We have been performing these procedures since 2003 and have a team of talented surgeons to help you reach your health and weight loss goals. If you would like to learn more about gastric bypass surgery and discuss your options for bariatric procedures, we encourage you to reach out to our team. Please contact us today to schedule a consultation where we can tell you about your options and answer any questions.
1 ASMBS. Bariatric Surgery Procedures. Available: https://asmbs.org/patients/bariatric-surgery-procedures. Accessed August 16, 2021.
2 Penn Medicing Gastric Bypass Surgery . Available: https://www.pennmedicine.org/for-patients-and-visitors/find-a-program-or-service/bariatric-surgery/procedures/roux-en-y-gastric-bypass-rgb Accessed October 19, 2024.
3 Johns Hopkins Medicine. Risks of Gastric Bypass Surgery: Anastomotic Leaking. Available: https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/treatment-tests-and-therapies/risks-of-gastric-bypass-surgery-anastomotic-leaking. Accessed August 16, 2021.
4 Mayo Clinic. Gastric bypass (Roux-en-Y). Available: https://www.mayoclinic.org/tests-procedures/gastric-bypass-surgery/about/pac-20385189. Accessed August 16, 2021.
5 Johns Hopkins Medicine. Risks of Gastric Bypass Surgery: Anastomotic Leaking. Available: https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/treatment-tests-and-therapies/risks-of-gastric-bypass-surgery-anastomotic-leaking. Accessed August 16, 2021.
6 ASMBS. Bariatric Surgery Procedures. Available: https://asmbs.org/patients/bariatric-surgery-procedures. Accessed August 16, 2021.
7 Columbia Surgery. Gastric Bypass Surgery. Available: https://columbiasurgery.org/conditions-and-treatments/gastric-bypass-surgery. Accessed Auguest 16, 2021.
8 JAMA. Bariatric Surgery: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Available: https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/article-abstract/199587. Accessed August 17, 2021.
The Doctors at Garden State Bariatrics have either authored or reviewed and approved this content. Page Updated:

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