I couldn’t walk far distances, be active with my family, or wear any of my old clothes. I have high cholesterol, heart disease and type 1 diabetes. I couldn’t lose weight no matter what I did. It was very frustrating to be my height and being overweight.
I thought about it for about a year because the pounds kept piling on. I am only 4’9″ so a couple of pounds are a big difference on me. I decided to go for it when I saw myself in my kids graduation photos. I was uncomfortable with the way I looked and felt
Everyone on my team was amazing on my journey! Big shout out to Jessica!
I love being able to go clothes shopping and having to buy smaller instead of larger. I love not being out of breath when going to my kids sporting events. I just recently enjoyed a short vacation with my husband in the city, and I was able to walk around for hours with no problems.

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